Misinformation Lessons from Pizza Glue and Eating Rocks: A Beginning

Recently the data community and the media have been buzzing about Generative AI and in particular Google’s AI Overview responses to questions like ‘How many rocks should I eat?’ or ‘How to glue cheese to your pizza?’ These answers of course are silly and the memes have been fun to read, however, there is a … Continue reading Misinformation Lessons from Pizza Glue and Eating Rocks: A Beginning

Containing ChatGPT May be Impossible

Generative AI has spilled into society like an oil slick on an ocean.  There is no escaping it. The wind, the waves, and the current will carry it to places we have yet to imagine in terms of its capabilities, uses, and applications.  It encroaches on us without much of a plan to contain it, … Continue reading Containing ChatGPT May be Impossible

Free, Free, Free.  How Can It Be?

FREE iPhone15!  There I said it.  Did it get your attention? Along with the words “New and Improved”, Free is among marketing’s most effective words.  It grabs the attention of those seeking a deal or an offer that may be exclusive to them. But it is really “free” or are all of these recent free … Continue reading Free, Free, Free.  How Can It Be?

Flaws in Measuring Happiness

Can your happiness be measured by a number? For many the emotion of happiness is as subjective as the individual. Yet, we see plenty of grocery store check-out magazines touting new studies showing you how to improve your happiness in just a few simple steps. Amazingly it is always 10 or fewer, and what could … Continue reading Flaws in Measuring Happiness

Welcome to Data Duped

With the launch this month of our book, Data Duped: How to Avoid Being Hoodwinked by Misinformation, we hope we are bringing curious readers closer to understanding data.  Not just the math and statistics, but also provide some insights into how data is used in many of our everyday interactions.  For example, that not-so-random advertising … Continue reading Welcome to Data Duped